Akaure Loyalty FAQs

How do I sign up?

Simply create an account with your email address and you will become a member of the Akaure Loyalty program where you will automatically receive 1 point for every $1 AUD you spend.

You can also earn points by interacting with our Akaure online community which you can read more about on this Loyalty Page and FAQs.

250 points = $20 AUD discount Loyalty Voucher on your next order at online checkout


500 points = $50 AUD discount Loyalty Voucher on your next order at online checkout

How do I earn points?

Our loyalty program is a single tier program that allows all customers to earn 1 point for every $1 AUD spent to earn rewards that are redeemable once you create and log into an online account and place your first order.

For example:

Spend $250 AUD = 250 points, which equals a $20 AUD discount loyalty voucher on your next order at online checkout.


Spend $500 AUD = 500 points = 500 points, which equals a $50 AUD discount loyalty voucher on your next order at online checkout.

Points can be earned in other ways as specified on our site, such as creating an account when you make your first purchase.

You can earn points by interacting with our Akaure online community by following Akaure on Instagram and Facebook or leaving a product review.

You can also sign up for an annual birthday gift email for 15% off your next order and will be the first to hear of new product drops, member only online events and more.

How do I redeem my Loyalty Voucher?

To redeem your Akaure Loyalty Voucher at checkout, login to your online account and navigate to this Loyalty page.

Click on the Redeem Points button to generate your personal Loyalty Voucher code to be used at checkout.

Does the Loyalty Program apply to Australian and New Zealand customers?

Yes of course! Akaure Loyalty Rewards apply to wherever in the world you are shopping with us from. Reward values are automatically applied based on your local currency exchange rate against AUD currency calculated by our payment gateway at the time.

If you have made a purchase for a sum that isn’t a round number (whole dollars only), your points balance will be rounded down to a whole number. The same applies for refunds.

Why do I need to provide my personal details to join?

When you first create an online account using just your email address, you are automatically able to earn and redeem Loyalty points on new and past orders as an Akaure Rewards member once you place an order at the online checkout.

We will only capture your name and other personal details such as address and contact number when you place an order with us or elect to update your profile.

You can also provide us with your date of birth if you wish to receive an annual birthday treat.

We will only use your email address to communicate the program’s benefits and apply your loyalty points and rewards as part of the program.

You will also have the option to opt in to marketing emails and SMS notifications.

What happens if I make a purchase when I'm not signed in to my account?

That is no problem! Our loyalty program is smart enough to be able to link points from previous orders made via guest checkout to your online account that uses the same email address as your order.

Where do I see my Loyalty Points balance?

You can track your loyalty points balance by logging in to your online account and navigating to this personalised Loyalty page for a live update.

Your Loyalty points balance will automatically be updated every time you make a new purchase, interact with our loyalty rewards program or generate your Loyalty Voucher by clicking on the Redeem Points button.

How long are my Loyalty Points valid for?

Your loyalty points are valid for a rolling 12 months from the date they were first earned.

How do I change my email address for my Loyalty account?

Unfortunately you are unable to update or change your email address or phone number for your loyalty account for security reasons.

You can however update your name and saved addresses by logging in to your online account and navigating to your Profile via the drop-down menu.

How do refunds work with my Loyalty points?

Full Refund

If your order is returned for a full refund, any points earned from the purchase will be removed from your online Loyalty account.

Partial Refund

If you earned points on a purchase and then that purchase is partially refunded, your points will be reversed. You then earn points only for the remaining amount. 

For example: If you earned 100 points for spending $100, and is then partially refunded $75, the number of points earned would get reduced to 25 - the remaining amount you paid.


If you have made a purchase for a sum that isn’t a round number (whole dollars only), your points balance will be rounded down to a whole number. The same applies for refunds.

How do refunds work with my Loyalty Vouchers?

Full Refund
If you have placed an order using your Loyalty Voucher and the order is fully refunded (100% Refunded), the points used for this discount will be automatically returned to your online Loyalty account.

Partial Refunds
If you earned points on a purchase and apply those points towards a purchaseand then that purchase is partially refundedwe are unable to return the points used to redeem the reward coupon but will only return points for the amount returned.