California Poppy

California Poppy

With a long history of use in traditional Native American and native Hispanic cultures, the aerial parts of the beautiful California Poppy have been used for its mild sedative and analgesic qualities. Early Spanish explorers reportedly named the native Californian mountainous habitat the ‘Land of Fire’ on account of its heavy carpet of gold-coloured California Poppy flowers. Other names for the perennial beauty include California Sunlight and Cup of Gold.

Viewed purely as an ornamental flower when it was first introduced to Europe, California Poppy quickly became prized for its medicinal effects. Those suffering from poor quality sleep may still refer to the herb as a little cup of gold due to its ability to support all stages of sleep and its capacity to calm the nerves.

Traditional uses include:

To soothe emotional stress and restore feelings of wellbeing

To relieve pain symptoms

To calm frayed nerves and nervous excitability

To restore a sense of serenity and calm

To assist with sleep onset, quality and reduce restlessness

For restorative sleep

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